How to access the Pet Portal
The Otto App
You can download the Otto app in either the Google Play Store or the App Store for Apple depending on what type of smartphone you use. With the app installed, you will have immediate access to the Pet Portal on their smartphone at all times.
When opening the Otto app for the first time on a new device, you will have to log in using the phone number or email address associated with your account at your clinic. (This will be recorded with the clinic in their system. If you aren’t sure what phone number or email address to use, ask and your clinic will be able to tell you.) However, after logging in for the first time, you should not have to log in again on that same device when using the app.
Non-app Web Portal
If it is more convenient, you can also access your Pet Portal by navigating to When navigating to this site for the first time on a new device, you will be asked to log in using the phone number or email address associated with your account at your clinic.
If you enter your email address, you will be emailed a link to click to log in to the Pet Portal. If you enter your phone number, you will be texted a link to click instead.
These links will be the same and will take you to your same Pet Portal regardless of which option you choose and the Pet Portal can be used from both a mobile or desktop browser, so you should use whichever option is more convenient. (If you have the Otto app installed on your phone and you click the link that was sent to you to log in, the app will automatically open on your phone.)
If you are having a hard time logging in, please reach out to for assistance.
Sections of the Pet Portal
When you log in to the Pet Portal, you will always first land in the Home section. This will have some information about what is going on in the Pet Portal for you and your pets.
Here you will be able to see:
- The name of the clinic that you are logged in with. In the upper-right corner, you can also click Clinic Info to see more details about the clinic, such as its address and recommended emergency clinics for out-of-hours help.
- The names of all of your pets with a corresponding icon depending on their species. If you click on the icon of the pet, you’ll be brought to their details page where you can see more information about them.
- Requests that you can make to the clinic. These can include things like appointment requests or prescription refills. Clicking on one of these options will ask you some follow-up questions about your request to give the clinic better context. Ultimately, what request types are listed here are up to the clinic, so if you have something you would like to see listed here, reach out to them and ask about it!
- The most recent conversation that happened between you and the clinic. Clicking on the conversation from the home page will bring you right into the conversation, where you can see all of the messages exchanged in that conversation.
- Any upcoming appointments that you have with the clinic.
Clicking on Pets (with the corresponding paw icon) will bring you to a section of the Pet Portal dedicated to information about your pets.
Each pet will have their name and a corresponding icon listed here. Clicking on a pet’s icon will bring up more detailed information about that pet, including things like weight and date of birth.
You can also see any upcoming appointments for this specific pet by clicking Appointments.
If your clinic has Service Reminders set up (for things like vaccines or annual exams), you can also see reminders for upcoming or overdue services by clicking Reminders.
You can also download the information about your pet by clicking on View Pet ID Card. The Pet ID Card can also include services your pet is current on—again, for things such as vaccines. It can be downloaded as a .pdf file by clicking Download PDF if you need to present proof of vaccination to a boarder or groomer. (However, the Pet ID Card including current service data will depend on your clinic’s system.)
You can also upload a cute photo of your pet by clicking the camera icon. This picture will show for both you and your clinic. Uploading a photo is not mandatory, but it can be fun.
Clicking Conversations (with the corresponding speech bubble icon) will bring you to the section of the Pet Portal dedicated to current and historical conversations between you and your clinic.
On this page, you can see any open conversations between yourself and your clinic. But unlike the home section of the Pet Portal, you can also see past conversations between yourself and your clinic as well. These groups of conversations will be segregated and labelled, so you can see which conversation is still active and which ones are past conversations.
This can be useful if you need to find a specific message from your clinic or find the date that a certain message was sent.
Clicking Account will bring you to the section of the Pet Portal that shows your personal information.
You should be able to see your name and contact information that your clinic has on file for you. If this is incorrect, or if it changes in the future, you should be certain to inform your clinic so that they can correct it.
You can also see your settings for receiving messages, which will look like two toggles. These will enable or disable receiving messages by text or email or both. So if you know that you do not want to receive alerts via email, toggle that switch to off to end email alerts. You can do the same if you know you don’t want alerts via text. However, be certain not to disable both, otherwise it will be difficult for your clinic to get in touch with you.
If you have further questions about using the Pet Portal, please consult our FAQ page.
If you are having a hard time logging in to the Pet Portal, please reach out to our support team at for assistance.
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