This article is for clinics that are already using the Loyalty Program.
Redeeming Rewards
A. If the clinic has the loyalty program set to “On,” clients will be able to view their rewards balance in the Pet Portal. They can do this either online or through the Otto app. This will show a current balance, as well as the description of the rewards program as defined by the clinic in their Settings.
B. Clients can also click “View Loyalty Program” to see more information about the loyalty program. If they click this, they will first be shown the rewards offered by the clinic (as defined in the clinic’s Rewards page). (See below.) The rewards are clickable, and if the client has the requisite balance, they will be able to redeem their points for these rewards.
Once a client opts to redeem a reward, they will be presented with a button labelled “I Don’t Want This Reward,” in case they change their mind about the redemption. However, this can only be used between them opting to redeem the reward and the clinic fulfilling the reward. After the clinic fulfills the reward, the client can no longer undo their decision.
When viewing the loyalty program from their side, clients can also click “Rewards History” to see their own reward redemption history.
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