To get started with viewing clinic appointments in Otto Flow, click on Appointments.
A list of clinic appointments will be listed for the date set and ordered by time. If the appointment has received an automated reminder, the conversation status will be listed (and will update automatically as the client completes the automation steps).
Filtering Appointments
Appointments listed can be organized and viewed by Conversation Status, Appointment Type, Room, or Doctor.
Conversation Status
To organize appointments by conversation status, click on Status and choose which statuses to be visible.
Creating a New Column
Creating a new column will allow conversations to be filtered by Appointment Type, Room, or Doctor.
To create a new column, enter the column name and then click on the three dots to filter which appointments should be visible. Use the search bar to narrow down options.
After creating additional columns, click on Show Columns to choose which columns will appear visible.
🛑Settings created in the appointment schedule are per user, and will not be saved to other clinic Flow users
Side Panel Appointment Schedule
The side panel appointment schedule tool can be found by clicking the calendar icon in the left menu. Any columns created will be visible here for filtering.
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