If you have a client who has defaulted on their monthly membership payments and you wish to cancel their plan and submit the amount owed to your collections partner, here is the recommended workflow:
Open the Manage Membership modal
Select Cancel Membership from the Request type dropdown and select Clinic Initiated - Uncollectible as the reason. Click Next
The Cancellation Summary will display the amount due from your client. Make any manual adjustments here, or apply fees or member savings by turning on the associated toggles. Click Next
Because Clinic Initiated - Cancelled was selected as the cancellation reason, the system assumes that you are taking over payment collection for the true-up. No true-up payment will be collected by Otto. Before advancing from this step, apply the amount due to the account balance in your PIMS. Select Next
The last screen will confirm that you want to cancel the plan and that you are taking over payment collections. You can now reach out directly to the client to request payment, or follow your hospitals collections protocols.
Apply any debt paid via the collections partner (or directly to you by client) to the balance in your PIMS.
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