There are a few requirements that need to be met in order to merge two Pet Profiles; currently these requirements include:
With the exception of Clinics using AVImark, all other Clinics will be able to merge profiles only if neither profile exists in the Clinic’s PIMS (i.e. both profiles only exist in Flow)
For AVImark specifically, at least one of the Pet Parent profiles should not exist in thePIMS. Any new pets added to the Merged Profile in Flow, will be synced back to the associated profile that exists in AVImark.
At least one of the Pet Parent profiles does not have an active Conversation
Neither Pet Parent Profile has Loyalty Points
Neither Pet Parent Profile has Care Memberships
You can initiate the process of merging two different Pet Parent profiles by going to the Profile page of one of the Pet Parents you want to merge and clicking on the stacked dots on the top right corner.
Note: this feature is not available on mobile devices.
A Merge Profiles modal will pop up and it will show a 3 step design on top to help Clinic Users understand where they stand in the process.
Step 1 - Search Profile
Search for and select the other Pet Parent profile that should be merged with the primary Pet Parent profile that is already open/in view.
In the case of a Clinic using AVImark and based on the requirements mentioned above, there are two possible scenarios.
- If the first profile is already in the PIMS, any PIMS profiles returned by the search will be disabled and un-selectable.
- If the first profile is not in the PIMS, and the other above requirements are met, all profiles (PIMS and not) should be selectable.
Step 2 - Configure New Profile
Profile details for both Pet Parents will now show in the modal and the User should select which details should remain as part of the Merged profiles and which will be removed. The are a few rules that dictate how the new/merged Pet Parent profile can be configured:
Multiple phone numbers can be selected, but only one profile name and one email will be kept in the Merged profile.
All pets associated with both profiles will automatically be added to the Merged profile (these can be deleted from the PIMS after merging profiles if desired).
In the case of AVImark Clinics, the name and email associated with the Pet Profile that exists in the PIMS will be used and cannot be changed.
If the primary profile (based on whether it exists in AVImark, or if it was the first profile selected in the merging process) has opted out of text/email from the pet portal, then this option will be disabled in the Merged profile.
If a phone number for any Pet Parent profile being merged has been verified as a “mobile” number, only the verified mobile number(s) will be allowed to be set up as the primary phone number for the Merged profile.
Step 3 - Review Profile Details Before Merging
Final details for the updated Pet Parent Profile need to be reviewed prior to officially completing the Merging process.
Things to note after profiles have been merged
- After merging two profiles, there are instances in which the removed/deleted profile can still appear in Flow. These instances can include past Appointments, Conversations and Payment records associated with the deleted Pet Parent. These views exist for historical reference only and do not indicate that the profile has been reactivated in any way.
- Within Conversations of the deleted client, the client name associated with chat messages from the client will be updated to the chosen client name from the merge. This also includes the client name displayed on the conversation card. However references to the deleted client will remain in instances where system messages including the client’s name (phone call records, form submissions, etc.) are shown. Similarly automations and forms that relied on the
wildcard to populate those questions/prompts will refer to the deleted client name. - If there were saved payments methods for each client profile, only the payment method of the primary profile (whose client name was chosen during step two of the merge process) will be kept. Note saved payment methods aren’t visible and selectable info when merging.
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