What does this feature do?
The Service Reminder Email Editor allows you to customize the Service Reminder emails that are sent to Pet Parents based on upcoming service dates.
You can access the Editor by going to Flow’s settings page → Service Reminders Settings → Email Delivery Template section.
When the ‘Edit Email Template’ button is clicked, the Template Editor screen is loaded. The Template shown on this screen will be either the latest Draft version saved, or the latest version Published, depending on the version saved last. Once a template is in a Published state, all following Service Reminder emails will automatically be updated.
The Template view is on the left side and Editing Tools will be on the right side of the screen.
Editing Tools
There are nine pieces of content that can be dragged and dropped in the Email Template. When any tool is dropped in the Email Template, the corresponding settings for that tool will show in the Editing Tools portion of the screen. Design settings can be set separately for desktop and mobile; responsive mode can also be selected (which allows the design to adapt to the screen size the email is being viewed on).
The nine pieces of content include:
Note: When editing Text Content within the email Template, in addition to styling edits, ‘Merge Tags’ can also be included, which dynamically populate in each Pet Parent’s email based on the information available in the database.
These Merge Tags include Clinic Hours, Clinic Info and Pet Owner Info.
Note: The Services tool allows you to edit the styling and design of the Service Reminders list that will show in Pet Parent’s emails when they’re sent. When editing a Template, the actual Service Reminders shown in the list are only examples (i.e. dummy data - won’t be specific to any Pet Parent) and the corresponding services for each Pet Parent will be dynamically pulled when the email is sent to them, showing the correct upcoming services. If the Pet Parent has services due for more than one Pet within the same period, these will show as well in the same email.
You can save an existing or newly created section of the Template by clicking the save button at the bottom right of a selected row. This would allows you to easily and quickly remove and reuse a complete section of the email without having to create it again if removed from a Published or Draft version.
When you click ‘Save’, you will be asked to input a Category Name and optional Tags. This helps organize the blocks and make them searchable.
By default, all Service Reminders Email Templates will have three preset Blocks: the Header, Service Reminders Book Now button (which will trigger the Request Appointment Form for Pet Parents) and the Footer sections (with the Clinic’s Address and Hours).
Note: When the email template is first loaded, actual Clinic info will be displayed in these blocks such as the heading and footer. However if you were to drag and drop these blocks into the email template after the initial load, only the wildcards/tags (e.g. [[clinic_name]], as shown above) will display in the Editor and not the actual data. Regardless, emails sent to Pet Parents will populate the correct data.
This Editing Tool allows you to edit formatting for the complete body of the email, without the need to edit each section individually.
Search for images from an extensive library of licensed files that are ready to be dropped in the Email Template.
In addition to searching for images in the Email Editor, you are also able to upload new images from your device and drop them in the Template.
Managing changes to the Email template
You can undo edits (one by one) by clicking on the ‘Undo’ arrow located at the bottom left side of the screen.
If the ‘Revert to Publish’ button (on the top right corner of the screen) is clicked while editing an Email Template, the latest edits are undone and not saved. The modal below will show before undoing the latest changes to confirm this action, considering that any draft states will be removed from the template as well.
If you would like to revert to the previously saved version of the email template (whether it wasPublished or Draft), you can do so by clicking on the ‘Cancel’ button located on the bottom right side of the page. Clicking on the ‘Save Draft’ button will save the latest changes to the templatebut will not publish them.
Email Previews
By clicking the eye icon on the bottom left side of the screen, you will be able to preview the email in mobile, tablet and desktop views. Exact screen widths can also be chosen.
Editing States
Whenever an Email Template is being edited, the Draft state will show at the top of the screen.
This status will change once the ‘Publish’ button on the top left corner of the screen is clicked.
Email Requirements
Users cannot remove the footer section, inclusive of of the ‘Unsubscribe’ link in order to be compliant with requirements for email marketing under the CAN-SPAM Act.
The Email Template can also not be Published without the Service Reminders list block. If this is attempted, the following alert will show.
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