Occasionally, pet parents’ cards are declined (for various reasons) and fall into a PastDue payment status. It is important to notify the pet parent of their pastdue payment status immediately so that the payment can be updated and we can recuperate those payments for participating Care clinics. As an added value to the Care Membership program offering, the Chronos teletriage team handles outreach to pet parents during days 1 through 30 of Pastdue payment status, with the intended results of:
1. Collecting an updated payment method
2. Decreasing the total Pastdue payments for Care Memberships
3. Increasing the value and revenue-driving potential of Care Memberships.
Stripe Decline Code Definitions
- Otto Flow deploys an automated pastdue outreach notification on day 1 and day 14 of pastdue status (text or push notification)
- The Chronos Teletriage team uses the PastDue Payments Report to identify net new pastdue payments.
**NOTE: Pastdue pet parents are automatically sent a push notification or text message on the first day of missed payment as well as every 2 weeks until they are back in good standing.
- Clients will be contacted 3x/week for the first 30 days of their pastdue status, or until their payment method is updated and/or their monthly payment is made. The Care Pastdue Payments conversation status in Flow is used for these outreach attempts and the conversation in Flow will remain open for these 30 days.
- The Chronos team will provide a summary report every Friday in the Otto Flow “Pastdue Care Membership Outreach” Team Chat group. It will only include clients whose payments were successfully updated from the previous week.
- If the Chronos team is unsuccessful in reaching the client or updating the credit card, the conversation status will change to Care Pastdue 30+, and you will need to take over outreach.
- Once it is determined that the client is no longer a good fit for the membership, we recommend that you cancel their membership. If a true up is due, you can attempt to use the card on file to pay total due in full. If payment does not go through, follow these steps to prepare the account for collections.
Note: Stripe continues “Smart Retries” on pastdue payments, making attempts on different days/times, for 3 weeks after the payment is missed.
Outreach Schedule:
- Tuesday: email/text (via Flow)
- Thursday: email/text (via Flow)
- Friday: phone call (via Flow)
**The Chronos Teletriage Team will not reach out to past due clients if the plan is cancelled**
Message templates:
- Email/text: Hi <first name>, We are unable to process the recurring payment for <pet name>'s Care Membership. Please update your billing information to avoid losing access to benefits. You can access and update your payment information here <INSERT PET PORTAL LINK> We appreciate you being a valued Care Member!
- Phone call: “Hi <client name> my name is <your name> and I am calling on behalf of <Clinic name> in regards to <pet name>’s pastdue membership payment. Your payment was scheduled to process on <due date> and we’re showing an error status of <decline reason> which means <explanation>. I’m happy to help you get your payment method updated. Once we do so, the system will process your new payment for the one that was due, and update for all future payments.
- Voicemail: “Hi <client name> my name is <your name> and I am calling on behalf of <Clinic name> in regards to <pet name>’s pastdue membership payment. Your payment was scheduled to process on <due date> and we’re showing an error status of <decline reason> which means <explanation>. Please visit your billing portal to update your payment information. You are welcome to give us a call if you need further assistance. Thank you for being a valued Care member!”
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