Conversations can be filtered and will be saved for the current logged in user. Conversation history with pet parents will also be saved in their individual Flow record under Conversations.
How to filter all conversations
1. Navigate to Conversations and click on the filter icon above the conversations
2. Conversations can be filtered by:
- Conversation Status
💡This will filter all conversations with specific statuses attached. For example, use this filter to show only active statuses (confirmed, needs attention, etc)
- Conversation Assignees
💡Show only conversations assigned to you or specific team members
- Conversation Tags
💡Find conversations containing submitted or received forms or payments easily
- Appointment Providers, Appointment Types, Appointment Rooms
💡Find specific automated appointment reminder conversations sent to pet parents
3. The conversations view can change from All Conversations to Unread Conversations. This will show only those conversations that have not been read by the logged in user
4. Conversations can be searched by client name, patient name, or specific key words by clicking on the magnifying glass icon
How to create saved filters
Conversation filters can be saved to easily toggle between important conversations.
To save filters, choose the perimeter to be saved
Click on Save Filter, and title the filter for easy access later
💡These saved filters can be shareable with all clinic Flow users by toggling on Share with Team
Find these by clicking on Saved Filters
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