To get started with viewing data around Otto Website Widget requests, navigate to Reporting on the left hand menu and then click on Connect Widget Request.
Reporting with widget requests includes a breakdown of which requests are being utilized and how often. Data can be filtered in the Controls section by clinic (if multiple platforms available for logged in user), start and end date, and widget request type.
Data can be downloaded per section by hovering over the right upper corner and clicking the three vertical dots.
Widget Request reporting will show data around appointment visits by type, requests during and outside of business hours, and new clients vs existing clients.
Detailed reporting is available by navigating to Connect Widget Request Detail. Data will be visible by date created, request type, and client name and if they are a new or existing client.
Direct Booking Reporting
Direct Booking reporting will show the number of bookings during the set filtered time frame. Data is available for download by hovering in the right top corner and clicking the three vertical dots.
Detailed Direct Booking data is available by navigating to the Direct Booking Detail tab. Information can be filtered by date and will show the client name that booked the appointment, the start and created date, and the status of the appointment (confirmed, pending, cancelled, etc).
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