To get started with Lapsed Client Reporting, click on Reporting and then Lapsed Pet Parent Dashboard.
đź’ˇIf the reporting page is blank, Lapsed Pet Parent Automations are not activated. Utilize this feature to bring in overdue customers through personalized notifications, re-establish connections with pet parents who have not visited your clinic in months or years, and encourage them to schedule their next appointments.
On average, Otto Flow Clinics recoup $240 per re-engaged client! Activate this feature today by reaching out to our support team and work together to craft notification language to match your clinic’s needs.
Lapsed Pet Parent Dashboard
The Report displays detailed graphs and data around the Lapsed Pet Parent Automations sent to clients that have not brought their pets into the clinic within a specific set time period (set and customized by the clinic - on average 24 months).
The Lapsed Automation Reporting tool allows clinics to view detailed information about the re-engagement of their clients. Clinics can track the amount of money recouped as a result of re-engaging lapsed pet parents, analyze the return on investment, and view a detailed breakdown of clients reached and appointments scheduled.
To view the clinic's Lapsed Pet Parent data, determine the Start and End Date range.
To view further details on individual sent communications, click on the Detail options.
Messages Sent by Automation
Once you have selected the filters you want to apply, relevant data will be displayed. Data listed here will show the name of the lapsed client automation that was sent and the number of messages sent for that particular automation.
Messages Sent by Clinic
Next we will see “Messages sent by clinic” graph, this will allow you to compare messages sent across clinics if you have more than one clinic selected.
Automation Response Rate and Average Days
The “Automation response rate” chart shows the lapsed client automation type, how many messages were sent, If clients started the automation prompts, if clients finished filling out the automation and the rate of response.
The “Average days automation sent and appointment” chart shows on average how long it takes for a lapsed pet parent to schedule an appointment after receiving the lapsed client automation.
Re-Engaged Clients
The “Re-engaged clients” graph shows data for clients that scheduled an appointment after receiving the lapsed client automation.
Money Recouped
The “Money Recouped” graph gives an estimated amount of money recouped from clients completing the lapsed client automation. These numbers are based on an average of $240 per client.
Appointments Scheduled
The “Appointments Scheduled Within 90 Days of Automation” graph shows appointments for clients that have received a lapsed client automation. We are only tracking for appointments scheduled within a 90 day window in the interest of determining the efficacy of the lapsed client messages.
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