The Otto Flow Direct Booking Report Provides insights and information around how clients are using Otto's Direct Booking feature.
*This report is only available to clinics using our Direct Booking feature.
To get started viewing data around direct booking, navigate to Reporting on the left hand menu and then click on Direct Booking.
Filtering and Downloading Data
The Direct Booking report can be filtered down to a date range and multiple clinics (if your user has more than one location).
Like all reports a full report can be printed or exported by clicking on the download icon in the top right corner near where you set your filters. You can also export data for each individual field within the report clicking on the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the field.
Direct Booking Data
Appointment Created: Shows the Total number of Appointments created from direct booking for the time range selected.
Appointments created by Month: Shows the number of Appointments created month over month from direct bookings. This chart really only makes sense if you have more than 1 month selected in your date range.
Appointments created by Clinic: If you have more than 1 clinic selected this chart will allow you to compare the number of Appointments created per month for direct booking for each clinic selected.
Appointment Types: Shows each appointment type that has been booked from direct booking, the number of appointments booked, and percentage by type.
Direct bookings during business hours: shows whether direct booking appointments were booked during business hours or outside business hours on hover you see the number of bookings and percentage.
Direct Bookings by Client Type: There are two views for this dataset. The first shows New vs. Existing Clients by month. The second shows whether direct booking appointments were booked by New vs. Existing Clients, you can hover you see the number of bookings and percentage.
Direct Booking Detail Tab
This area of the report allows additional filtering and provides a more detailed view of Direct Booking data. The filters for this view include Clinic, Start date and End date (these dates apply to the direct booking date), client type (New vs. Existing), Appointment type, and MonthYear.
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