This section within Settings is only editable by Flow admin users.
General Info
Within general info, the clinics information will be displayed. This will be visible to clients within their Pet Portal. The Clinic Display Name will be what shows both in Flow and to clients within messages and their Pet Portal.
💡The clinic phone number displayed will be visible in the Pet Portal and also be the number used for outbound calls to clients made through Flow
Clinic Hours
Setting clinic hours will notify clients in their pet portal of open clinic hours, and will send in-office and out-office responses to inbound client messages.
💡If there is an upcoming holiday or office closure - toggle the specific day off so that clients will know when messaging the clinic. Be sure to toggle it back on when the clinic is back in the office, it will not automatically turn back on.
Flow admins can add new users to Flow by clicking on + Add User.
To add a user, they must have a first and last name, a unique email address, and a role assigned.
💡The email address is for login and email notifications only and will need to be unique from other team members added to Flow
💡A phone number is not required and is for notification purposes (or team visibility) only. It will not be viewable by pet parents
🛑It is NOT recommended to add the clinic number here
Admin vs Member
💡Admins have the ability to make changes to all settings within Flow
💡Members cannot edit ANY Clinic or Flow settings. They are unable to delete chat messages. Members are able to edit message templates and forms
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