Only Flow admin users are able to make changes to Flow Settings.
Conversation Statuses are attached to incoming and outgoing conversations and will appear in the conversations section of Flow. They are useful in giving context to what the conversation entails, allow for customization, and easy filtering.
Depending on the clinic's workflow, it is easy to edit or create new statuses.
🛑 It is recommended to never delete any pre-existing statuses as they may be tied to your automated reminders
Adding conversation statuses in Flow
While logged in to Flow, navigate to Settings > Conversations
To add an active status, click***+Add Active Status***. To add an archived status, click +Add Archived Status.
A new status will appear in the table which can then be renamed and edited.
Editing conversation statuses in Flow
- While logged in to Flow, navigate to Settings > Conversations
- Click on the conversation status that needs editing
- To rename the status, click on the status to allow edits
- To change the color of the status, click on the color block to choose a color or create a new color
- To delete the status, click the garbage can icon on the right side of the table
- Updates to statuses will be saved automatically after edits have been made
Automatically archiving conversations
Conversations statuses can be changed to automatically archive conversations. It is recommended that this be used for clinics that are regularly checking Flow. Conversations are at risk of being archived without follow up if not checked routinely.
- How to automatically change conversation statuses
Navigate to Settings > Conversations and scroll down to Auto Update Status
Choose +Add Status Workflow
Determine how many days of inactivity changes a workflow status and which statuses will be affected
💡Best Practice: The changes can be made from an active status to an archived status or to a different active status, for example: a widget request can be changed to Needs Attention to alert a clinic user that a conversation has not been engaged with
Text messaging
Within the Text Messaging section of Settings, the In-Office and Out-Office responses are viewable and editable. These messages send out automatically based on the clinic office hours.
💡To stop the responses, simply delete the message within the text block
Wildcards (for the owner or pet name) are not supported within these text blocks and only the next open day and time wildcards will be displayed.
💡If the Out-Office is altered in any way, the open day and time wildcards will not function properly
💡If the text is altered, an option to return to the default message will appear
Within the Appointments section, (if the clinic’s practice management software (PIMS) is integrated with Flow) a list of the appointment types available for use from the PIMS will be displayed. These appointment types can be viewed within the pet parents Pet Portal as upcoming appointments.
💡The Appointment Type’s display name can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon - the Display Name will be what pet parents see if changed
💡For best practice, it is recommended that only appointments that correspond to the time marked in the PIMS be displayed, for example: a drop off or surgery appointment that is scheduled in the PIMS for 11am but the clinic is expecting the client to arrive at 7:30am should not be visible to pet parents
To show the appointments in the Pet Portal, both the individual toggle next to the appointment type and the master toggle at the top of the page will need to be turned on.
If clients are able to view their appointments in the Pet Portal, they will have the ability to add that appointment to a their calendar. The ‘add to calendar’ button will work for all major calendar vendors.
The Automations section will display a list of all created automations for appointments (if the clinic is utilizing this function).
💡To turn off any automations, toggle under the Active section
The functions displayed will show the sending hours for each automation, as well as the event type.
💡If changes need to made, it is recommended to reach out to Otto's support team either by email ( or by clicking the ‘?’ in the lower right hand corner of Flow.
Service Reminders
To find out more about service reminders, click here.
To find out more about payments, click here.
Sync Status
The sync status will give up to date information on the current syncing status between the clinics practice management software and Flow. If there is a syncing issue, it will notify all logged in users with a banner. To learn how to troubleshoot the syncing issues prior to reaching out to support, click here.
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