Direct Booking is Otto's online appointment booking feature, which will integrate with Cornerstone, Avimark or work with practices who do not utilize a PIMS.
This article covers:
- Existing Client Booking Experience
- New Client Booking Experience
- What the practice will see when a client books a Direct Booking appointment
- What a conversation from a Direct Booking appointment looks like
- What an appointment booked through Direct Booking looks like in Cornerstone
- What an appointment booked through Direct Booking looks like in Avimark
New and existing clients are able to book appointments, with clinic's having the control to allow only existing clients should they prefer.
Existing Client Booking Experience
Clients are able to select a practice's scheduling option via the Website Widget or pet portal/Otto App and be prompted to enter their phone or email address to get started
If the practice already has an account matching the client's email or phone number, it will find the associated account and give them the option to select which pet the appointment is for and which appointment type they would like to book (practices are able to choose which appointment types they would like to support on Direct Booking).
Once the client selects which pet and appointment type they would like to book, they are navigated to a calendar view to pick which date and time they would like. This calendar is integrated with the practice's Cornerstone, Avimark and/or Flow schedule. Availability accounts for existing appointments, block offs and any additional PIMS settings Direct Booking reads (see below for more information on availability and PIMS settings).
After the client picks a date and time of their appointment, they are taken to a page confirming their selections and providing the ability to navigate back and make any changes.
Lastly, client's are able to select "Confirm Appointment Details" and are shown the final confirmation page, indicating that they have successfully booked an appointment and will be receiving a confirmation text or email shortly. (Practice's Customer Success Manager's are able to help set up an automatic message that can send to client's after booking, helping to confirm their booking was successful and begin messaging about any pre-appointment steps)
New Client Booking Experience
If the practice allows new clients to book appointments, and the system cannot find an account matching the client's email or phone number, it will treat them as a new client and prompt them to enter more information for themselves and their pet. This information is used to automatically create new client and patient accounts in the practice's PIMS and in Flow.
Note: If the practice only allows existing clients to book, and a new client enters their email or phone number, we will navigate them to the Request an Appointment option instead.
Once their information is entered, they are navigated to the normal steps of selecting an appointment type, date and time for their appointment.
What the practice will see when a client books a Direct Booking appointment
Once a new or existing client books an appointment, the new appointment will show in the practice's Flow schedule immediately and take ~1-3 minutes to sync into the PIMS schedule. Additionally, practice's can expect a conversation at the top of their queue with the client + patient's information and booking details.
What a conversation from a Direct Booking appointment looks like:
What an appointment booked through Direct Booking looks like in Cornerstone:
Note: If it was a new client who booked an appointment, the appointment's description will say "[Otto Direct Booking - New Client]" instead.
What an appointment booked through Direct Booking looks like in Avimark:
Note: If it was a new client who booked an appointment, the appointment's description will say "[Otto Direct Booking - New Client]" instead.
This concludes the Direct Booking Overview. Please see related articles for more information on
Direct Booking!
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